junkie man, tell me what your story is

Tuesday, January 4

do you want to making fuck, berserker!

yes sir, that is correct.

today is really blah so far. but it's going by quickly. so...rad.

the smarter dudes at my work disabled something on the computer i use to slack off. now i can't slack off. well i still can, but it's not as fun. it's kind of like sleeping over at neverland ranch with no touching.

new world on fire is playing a show on the 22nd and i'm pretty pumped. the new material that i've heard is so cool. they are progressing by kilometres at a time. which is difficult unless you are one of these dudes:

ha. i just got an easy call that is going to last 2.5 hours. sweet.

stuff that should be illegal: fireside chats, elephant decorations, root beer flavoured candy (n.b. not root beer itself), burgendy dress socks, dumb pictures on contact lenses, kmk, stretching for ridiculous things to say, pretty girls being idiots and people who look like stuff (ex: one of my supervisors looks like gollum/smeagol).

i also saw napoleon dynamite the other day. it was pretty funny because i'm pretty positive my napoleon is based on my sister sherilyn when she gets in her totally effed up hyperactive/dumbass moods. 'i caught you a delicious bass.'

blogger buddies:

holy crap, someone totally smells like pot.

oh, another thing that should illegal: combining "i'm high on..." with any of the following: life, god, weed (correct. even saying "i'm high on weed" is uncool)

why is it that when two people get stoned or whatever, they feel an urgent need to explain things to each other in great detail? nothing is as cool as you think it is when you're stoned. i ran my fingers through my cigarette smoke once when i was ripped. all the curls of smoke were so significant. i tried the same thing sober a while ago. was far less cool.

that last sentance had no subject for the verb. that shit is fucked.


  • you could in theory say 'i'm high on weed' and still be cool if you were shrunken somehow and were climbing a blade of grass
    don't you think?

    By Blogger Hollis, at 1:45 AM  

  • what was disabled that you used for slacking?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:41 AM  

  • brandon - correct: in the case of the young adults from 'honey i shrunk the kids', during the scene when russell climbs the blade of grass to scope out their position in the front yard, "i'm high on weed" would be an acceptable comment.

    scott - the lab notebooks all have their wireless card permanantly disabled thru the registry and thus stripping me of a proxy-free connection to the internet.

    By Blogger neilsucks, at 10:06 AM  

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