junkie man, tell me what your story is

Tuesday, November 2

gee, i think you're swell

i went bar hopping the other night, but i was the driver. so it was like drive, watch everyone have fun, drive, watch everyone have fun, drive, watch everyone have fun, drive. it got very tedious. by the end of the night i had been to the polynesian room, the cobalt, the asbalt, pat's pub, and another one that i don't remember the name of. at the last of there was this really cute japanese girl that thought i was her friend, cam, from school. she sat on my lap and tried to kiss me grab me and stuff. that was extremly awkward. she got up and stumbled to the bathroom. when she came back she sat beside me and fell face-first into my lap. it was even more awkward. so my friend roju quickly tried to find his camera, but to no avail. so i removed her, and helped her get on a chair and proped up in a corner. it was certainly different.

i got home at 3:30 am that night. i woke up at 10:00 am because my sister phoned. she wanted me to fix her computer.

if krystal knew i was drinking warm orange juice, she would have my head.

i am adicted to rice crakers. they are so bland and so delicious. mmmmm, nori!

i am going to miss jason when he moves. who will i talk to at work, about frodus?

say, that was a poorly-constructed sentance and i still have my stamp from the other night.

billy bones really grills my cheese. download and listen now!

i am so broke right now. i am trying to weasel 28 dollars out of future shop, but so far no luck.

send me money.


  • billy bones really grills my cheese too, rock on!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 PM  

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