junkie man, tell me what your story is

Tuesday, October 26

she was all like "oooooh"

woah, i just crushed an ant with my elbow. it was her fault for being on my desk. obviously my elbows go on my desk, dummy.

so i've decide to study networking. this guy left his textbook at work and then got fired so i'm gonna start reading it. then get a decent job and make the big bucks so i can purchase all the cocaine and hookers i feel like i deserve. i'm pretty lazy. i probably wont finish the book.

this guy at work, whom i dislike because he broke my good friend's heart and was a huge prick (ironically that is why i'm not fond of myself), can solve the rubik's cube faster that me. and it pisses me off (i'm lame, remember). i had breakfast with my buddies t, jae, and this other guy that works with jae. i brought my rubiks cube because i had no money to eat, so i figured i would just play with my cube for a while. it was then that i realized life is like a rubiks cube. life has an orange, blue, red and white side, as well as yellow and green. everyone else sucks at life and they are all awestruck when i finish my life in 50 seconds. so eff you all.

t bought me breakfast that day. i gave her a hug. i still believe i got the good end of the deal. breakfast and a hug. quicktip: even if you 'give' a hug you are technically 'receiving' one too (unless you are hugging a mouse or a tree or a hippie or stuff that cant feel feelings or whatever). and hugs are a reasonable payment for goods and services. maybe she was sick of watching me 'speed cube'. laaaame.

i'll have to write a complete post dedicated to hugs. there are a lot of rules that some people don't know.

also, i slack off at work. more today then most days. but my coworker just came up to me and showed me a file i filled out the other day. i filled in like 7 things wrong and now the customer is boned. i feel a little bad. i hate the company i work for and that is why i don't work hard. but i love the customers and they're the ones getting effed in the poo. maybe i will work harder.

after new year.

my radpal krystal is the biggest procrastinator ever. even worse than dead people or something. it's rubbing off on me, which is odd because i rarely rub up against her.

i will never finish that networking book.

i'm going for a smoke, but i'm not done. dont go.


ok, i'm done my cigarette. i remeber hanging out at my friend's house while she was at work once. i met one of her roommates and she asked if i wanted to come outside for a 'ciggy'. i would have beat her up but she gave me a free smoke. no hugs involved. so i figured she deserved to stay alive. but she kept giving me 'ciggys' or 'ciggies' or whatever. i saw her at a show the other day and it was cool to see her again, but i had to plug my ears in case she said it again.

i'm not so stoked about the election. i'm not to supportive of either candidate, but i'd rather see anyone in office than george. in a week we'll see.

quitting smoking is for wimps. i've only had 3 smokes today. not too shabby or whatever.

my friend jason is moving to toronto in like a week and a day. which means that i will never have to smell his face ever again. he gave me a cool ring though. i'm gonna miss that dude.

so i have tommorow off which means i can go to a show tonight. here are my choices:
lamb of god, fear factory, children of bodom, throwdown for $30
the feminists, hezzakya, lunchbucket for $3
cadeaux, hejira, the skatomatics for $6

the only one i would want to see is children of bodom, but i dont have 30 buck to throw at them. maybe i could ask the door guy if he would take thirty hugs instead.

i really have nothing else to say.


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