junkie man, tell me what your story is

Monday, October 25

sad songs are the keys that unlock our tears from eye jail

days off are horrible. i am always so thankful to sleep until noon but it kills me when i need my real sleep. doing 5 am shifts are fine if you can keep a normal sleep pattern, but i can't. my week is dominated by work, sleep and boredom to fill the gaps. i had yesterday off, so logically, it would seem i would be able to (a) stay up the night before (b) sleep in (c) fall asleep a decent hour and be awake and groggy in time to rape the coffee machine at work. today/last night, step c in my plan failed me.

time log for last night as follows:
6:30-7:00 tried to get an early start on my beauty sleep or whatever
7:00-9:15 roommate jammed with his band. not a decent sleeping environment. adapted to the half decent 'playing nintendo' environment. evolution proves true again.
9:15-9:25 smoked with shawn, the bass player of the band. shawn is my own personal lung satan.
9:25-10:00 turned on some cartoons at low volume and tried to sleep.
10:00-10:01 decided i was not tired.
10:01-10:10 'alone time'.
10:10-11:00 turned on corner gas. for those of you that don't know (or haven't guessed), saskatchewan is a horrible, horrible place. by association a show based on said province has a small leash. i was more entertained by the poop i laid out at 4:30 this morning (more on that later). this is a terrific show, in the most literal sense of the word. 'terrific' is commonly misused and it one of my biggest pet peeves. in time you will learn how lame and pathetic i am. but i can't resist laying it out (man i hate myself). terrific, from latin terrificus, terror, bad, unpleasant, terror, scary, very, very bad. how this got turned into a common word for super duper, eff if i know. so, don't ever watch corner gas. please just don't.
11:00-12:00 off with corner gas. on with futurama.
12:00-12:45 called my good friend krystal, to leave a pissed-off message about her telling me to buy corner gas season one on dvd. she picked up and instantly made me realize how much i miss talking to her. eff, what a cool gal. living proof that even saskatchewan has it's good points.
12:45-2:00 futurerama times infinity.
2:00-2:15 figured 2 hours of sleep was not enough. a better option might be to simply stay up.
2:15-4:10 may too much nintendo.
4:10-4:30 wicked hot shower.
4:30-4:40 wicked hot movement
4:40-5:05 get dressed and comfy and smelling nice
5:05-5:30 go to mcdonalds for some eats.
5:30-now be the corporate whore. i love hewlett-packard

i have been thinking about mullets since about 6 this morning. what the crap? i'm gonna go to the hair salon next payday and for every mullut that i see i will offer to buy them a haircut. the world is going to hell.


  • Neil, you are one seriously cool dude. I mean that in a powerful way. Your entries are the shit. Some of the shit you say is so quotable I will never forget it.

    By Blogger Casey, at 1:50 PM  

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