junkie man, tell me what your story is

Friday, October 29

lest we forget the name of that woman who cooks that fabulous banana bread

i've been listening to a lot of mitch hedberg. if you have never heard him speak, download some now. at first it was funny. now i've listened to all the jokes waaay too much. i will keep listening to it to get more bored of him and convince myself i should not go see him when he's in seattle.

i hung out with my buddy adam yesterday. he's cool, and he's got a.d.d. that's not why he's cool, but it definitly helps. but it does not help when he want's you to make coffee at 1:00 am because he wants to see how the coffee machine works.

i am learning a cool song on guitar and so far i'm pretty crumby at it. i showed adam and he whipped out the moves and played the song 30 times better. i was disapointed.

i saw 'hayden' and 'cuff the duke' the other night. it was a 30 dollar show. i hate paying over 10 for a show, so i decide to lay it out so that i didn't feel as ripped off:
$7 to see hayden
$6 to hang out with jason
$6 to hang out with t
$4 to see jae for a bit
$4 to see matt for a bit
$3 to see cuff the duke

i have not seen shawn and rikki in some time.

i listened to 'suffering and the hideous theives' at t's house. i am in love with jeff suffering in such a huge way.

there is a show tonight and i'm stoked. chilliwack hasn't has one in a while and so it should be fun. i will be real tired tomorrow though. i do not want to do the 5 am shift anymore. i want to deliver pizza again. that was rad.

to all my fellow cubers, being obsessed with the rubiks cubes is not a shortfall nomatter how many times your parents say they will disown to if you keep it up.

i blew some vacuum hose in my car the yesterday. i went to get it fixed. i got it fixed. drove away on the highway. the 'check engine' light came on. i turned around to go get it checked out. as soon as i turned around the light went off (end of true part). this made me angry so i decided to shoot frozen baby shrimp at pedestrians with a sling shot.

this blog would be a lot more interesting if i just made up stories about stuff.

today jae and me went for a walk. we saw this bum and jae thought it would be funny to stab him in the ear with a knife. i said it was a bad idea but he tried anyway. the bum took his knife and cut open his jugular. he was bleeding and dying all over the place!!!!

i want to get a karate outfit and a black belt from a thrift store and where it everywhere. you don't eff with a dude in a karate outfit.

unless you have one too.

www.shzine.com is the place to be. you can express you opinion here, and be shot down and feel like shit before the day is through. i love it.

i wish i had more cash so i could buy everyone a present.


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