junkie man, tell me what your story is

Monday, January 3

gosh nancy, i have reservations at four.

so i guess i gave december a miss there. i'll fill you in because you are all dying to know about my life or whatever: december was cold, i love kate, and i got really pissed at my savior's overcommercialized birthday.

i guess i've had this guy on hold for about 10 minutes which sucks for him i suppose.

i might move to toronto, ontario. that's messed up. i'll have to think about about shtuff and then decide.

one cup of coffee is all i want right now.

i'm off in 1.25 hours. that's pretty rad. hopefully i'm going to watch a movie with shawn. i enjoy movies with shawn because it includes the following: a movie, marijuana cigarettes, tabacco cigarettes, the best homemade coffee ever, shawn's dad insulting me, pizza, jp the supa-dog.

new years day i got double time and a half a work. $28.75 and hour. rocking.

to all you math whizzes: the first person to figure out my hourly wage wins a shopping cart full of fish assholes.

correct. $11.50.

ok. i have to call paula now. hopefully i'll update more. bye.


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