junkie man, tell me what your story is

Saturday, October 30

when all the ghosts come out

i'm not excited for halloween. some stupidly cute kids dressed up as dinosaurs eating my candy. sheeeiittt!

well i'm headed out to vancouver tonight for some hanging out with tracey along with some nintendo and fullhouse. also, i get to see raised by wolves tonight. billy bones is the rock and roll god of bc. my first concert ever was thee pirates, billy's old band. they rocked the house!

my billy shows:
thee pirates - 2000
the blackjacks - 2002
raised by wolves - 2003
raised by wolves - 2004
raised by wolves - tonight!

well i'm puking now, so i'm going home from work.

Friday, October 29


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

i'm so depressed.

my job sucks.

my feet are kinda gross.

my llama does not exist.

life just sucks.

so i found a penny in vancouver the other night. my friend called it a 'get out of bumland free' token. i told him that was mean, but inside i was giggling like a schoolgirl on bc weed. also the cutest guy ever just asked her out, i guess. whatever.

uncle jesse could kick hulk hogan's ass.

this new guy took my spot at work. i'm kinda upset. plus he has those rediculous clip-on glasses/sunglasses. i wish i was uncle jesse so i could fight him for my spot.

i know very few people that suit those glasses. he is not one. he sucks.

i was so bored at work for the last 1.5 hours so i rolled 4 and a half packs of cigarettes. i smell like a tobacco leaf. but i look way cuter.

seriously i have two shows i want to go to tonight. so i will stay at home and that will be that.

stuff i kinda feel like doing:
new world show
whitey and 22 hookers show
call t and hang out
call rikki and see if she will chill, she's probably going to the new world show anyway
call james and tim
staying home and listening to music


well i'm going to eat.

lest we forget the name of that woman who cooks that fabulous banana bread

i've been listening to a lot of mitch hedberg. if you have never heard him speak, download some now. at first it was funny. now i've listened to all the jokes waaay too much. i will keep listening to it to get more bored of him and convince myself i should not go see him when he's in seattle.

i hung out with my buddy adam yesterday. he's cool, and he's got a.d.d. that's not why he's cool, but it definitly helps. but it does not help when he want's you to make coffee at 1:00 am because he wants to see how the coffee machine works.

i am learning a cool song on guitar and so far i'm pretty crumby at it. i showed adam and he whipped out the moves and played the song 30 times better. i was disapointed.

i saw 'hayden' and 'cuff the duke' the other night. it was a 30 dollar show. i hate paying over 10 for a show, so i decide to lay it out so that i didn't feel as ripped off:
$7 to see hayden
$6 to hang out with jason
$6 to hang out with t
$4 to see jae for a bit
$4 to see matt for a bit
$3 to see cuff the duke

i have not seen shawn and rikki in some time.

i listened to 'suffering and the hideous theives' at t's house. i am in love with jeff suffering in such a huge way.

there is a show tonight and i'm stoked. chilliwack hasn't has one in a while and so it should be fun. i will be real tired tomorrow though. i do not want to do the 5 am shift anymore. i want to deliver pizza again. that was rad.

to all my fellow cubers, being obsessed with the rubiks cubes is not a shortfall nomatter how many times your parents say they will disown to if you keep it up.

i blew some vacuum hose in my car the yesterday. i went to get it fixed. i got it fixed. drove away on the highway. the 'check engine' light came on. i turned around to go get it checked out. as soon as i turned around the light went off (end of true part). this made me angry so i decided to shoot frozen baby shrimp at pedestrians with a sling shot.

this blog would be a lot more interesting if i just made up stories about stuff.

today jae and me went for a walk. we saw this bum and jae thought it would be funny to stab him in the ear with a knife. i said it was a bad idea but he tried anyway. the bum took his knife and cut open his jugular. he was bleeding and dying all over the place!!!!

i want to get a karate outfit and a black belt from a thrift store and where it everywhere. you don't eff with a dude in a karate outfit.

unless you have one too.

www.shzine.com is the place to be. you can express you opinion here, and be shot down and feel like shit before the day is through. i love it.

i wish i had more cash so i could buy everyone a present.

Tuesday, October 26

terms or whatever

these are some terms i use to explain stuff and whatever. so if you dont understand what i'm saying reference, baby. reference.

radical/cool - "those earmuffs are rad, jane!"

(adj) half of beautiful. also with a 'y' - "that double-backflip was beauty, jeff!"
(n) something of radness - "hey ernie, that limited edition boba fett figure is a beauty!"

i got off work early for the day - "hey jason, i can come to the hayden show tonight because i got vto!"

dig it:
i understand what you are saying and/or think it is cool - duke: "society is a cesspool, neil." neil: "dig it."

to do the rubiks cube - "i can cube way faster than you, wayne!"

uncool. (no association with the lame people who can't walk) - "that new girl, 'bernice', is soooooo lame!"

are you dumb? it means f.

murphy or murph:
basically can be use for pretty much anything. basically the m-word if you will.

a concert. "common nicolas, were gonna be late for the punk show!"

new world:
my roommate's band "new world on fire"

alone time:
masturbation - "go home, edith. i need some alone time!"

dominate one
a bowel movement of grand scale - "tim, hurry, i have to dominate one!"

level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
represents a level of friendship with someone or a love for something. "ferdinand, you just lost you spot on level 3!"

that's all i can think of right now.

she was all like "oooooh"

woah, i just crushed an ant with my elbow. it was her fault for being on my desk. obviously my elbows go on my desk, dummy.

so i've decide to study networking. this guy left his textbook at work and then got fired so i'm gonna start reading it. then get a decent job and make the big bucks so i can purchase all the cocaine and hookers i feel like i deserve. i'm pretty lazy. i probably wont finish the book.

this guy at work, whom i dislike because he broke my good friend's heart and was a huge prick (ironically that is why i'm not fond of myself), can solve the rubik's cube faster that me. and it pisses me off (i'm lame, remember). i had breakfast with my buddies t, jae, and this other guy that works with jae. i brought my rubiks cube because i had no money to eat, so i figured i would just play with my cube for a while. it was then that i realized life is like a rubiks cube. life has an orange, blue, red and white side, as well as yellow and green. everyone else sucks at life and they are all awestruck when i finish my life in 50 seconds. so eff you all.

t bought me breakfast that day. i gave her a hug. i still believe i got the good end of the deal. breakfast and a hug. quicktip: even if you 'give' a hug you are technically 'receiving' one too (unless you are hugging a mouse or a tree or a hippie or stuff that cant feel feelings or whatever). and hugs are a reasonable payment for goods and services. maybe she was sick of watching me 'speed cube'. laaaame.

i'll have to write a complete post dedicated to hugs. there are a lot of rules that some people don't know.

also, i slack off at work. more today then most days. but my coworker just came up to me and showed me a file i filled out the other day. i filled in like 7 things wrong and now the customer is boned. i feel a little bad. i hate the company i work for and that is why i don't work hard. but i love the customers and they're the ones getting effed in the poo. maybe i will work harder.

after new year.

my radpal krystal is the biggest procrastinator ever. even worse than dead people or something. it's rubbing off on me, which is odd because i rarely rub up against her.

i will never finish that networking book.

i'm going for a smoke, but i'm not done. dont go.


ok, i'm done my cigarette. i remeber hanging out at my friend's house while she was at work once. i met one of her roommates and she asked if i wanted to come outside for a 'ciggy'. i would have beat her up but she gave me a free smoke. no hugs involved. so i figured she deserved to stay alive. but she kept giving me 'ciggys' or 'ciggies' or whatever. i saw her at a show the other day and it was cool to see her again, but i had to plug my ears in case she said it again.

i'm not so stoked about the election. i'm not to supportive of either candidate, but i'd rather see anyone in office than george. in a week we'll see.

quitting smoking is for wimps. i've only had 3 smokes today. not too shabby or whatever.

my friend jason is moving to toronto in like a week and a day. which means that i will never have to smell his face ever again. he gave me a cool ring though. i'm gonna miss that dude.

so i have tommorow off which means i can go to a show tonight. here are my choices:
lamb of god, fear factory, children of bodom, throwdown for $30
the feminists, hezzakya, lunchbucket for $3
cadeaux, hejira, the skatomatics for $6

the only one i would want to see is children of bodom, but i dont have 30 buck to throw at them. maybe i could ask the door guy if he would take thirty hugs instead.

i really have nothing else to say.

Monday, October 25

so i says to the guy.

even in the smoke pit at work, old man farts smell gross.

sad songs are the keys that unlock our tears from eye jail

days off are horrible. i am always so thankful to sleep until noon but it kills me when i need my real sleep. doing 5 am shifts are fine if you can keep a normal sleep pattern, but i can't. my week is dominated by work, sleep and boredom to fill the gaps. i had yesterday off, so logically, it would seem i would be able to (a) stay up the night before (b) sleep in (c) fall asleep a decent hour and be awake and groggy in time to rape the coffee machine at work. today/last night, step c in my plan failed me.

time log for last night as follows:
6:30-7:00 tried to get an early start on my beauty sleep or whatever
7:00-9:15 roommate jammed with his band. not a decent sleeping environment. adapted to the half decent 'playing nintendo' environment. evolution proves true again.
9:15-9:25 smoked with shawn, the bass player of the band. shawn is my own personal lung satan.
9:25-10:00 turned on some cartoons at low volume and tried to sleep.
10:00-10:01 decided i was not tired.
10:01-10:10 'alone time'.
10:10-11:00 turned on corner gas. for those of you that don't know (or haven't guessed), saskatchewan is a horrible, horrible place. by association a show based on said province has a small leash. i was more entertained by the poop i laid out at 4:30 this morning (more on that later). this is a terrific show, in the most literal sense of the word. 'terrific' is commonly misused and it one of my biggest pet peeves. in time you will learn how lame and pathetic i am. but i can't resist laying it out (man i hate myself). terrific, from latin terrificus, terror, bad, unpleasant, terror, scary, very, very bad. how this got turned into a common word for super duper, eff if i know. so, don't ever watch corner gas. please just don't.
11:00-12:00 off with corner gas. on with futurama.
12:00-12:45 called my good friend krystal, to leave a pissed-off message about her telling me to buy corner gas season one on dvd. she picked up and instantly made me realize how much i miss talking to her. eff, what a cool gal. living proof that even saskatchewan has it's good points.
12:45-2:00 futurerama times infinity.
2:00-2:15 figured 2 hours of sleep was not enough. a better option might be to simply stay up.
2:15-4:10 may too much nintendo.
4:10-4:30 wicked hot shower.
4:30-4:40 wicked hot movement
4:40-5:05 get dressed and comfy and smelling nice
5:05-5:30 go to mcdonalds for some eats.
5:30-now be the corporate whore. i love hewlett-packard

i have been thinking about mullets since about 6 this morning. what the crap? i'm gonna go to the hair salon next payday and for every mullut that i see i will offer to buy them a haircut. the world is going to hell.