junkie man, tell me what your story is

Monday, March 21

random bikes

i was late for work today. i thought i started at 8 but it was supposed to be 7. that gives me 8 points so i might be fired. we'll see.

5 years isn't really that much, if you think about it.

the more i think about it the more i trully understand that i am boring.

yesterday i talked to troy for the first time in like a week and a half. wierd. he said that i have to catch the mouse in my room. i need to buy mouse traps which make me sad, because he makes cute squeaks sometimes. i don't want to have to hurt him. crappy.

i am also kinda thinking of moving soon if i can get the chance. hopefully downtown chilliwack somewhere so that people will come over once in a while. no one wants to come to sardis just to hang out.

mosh girl rules!

i haven't been to a show in a long time it seems. it's just hard to get into anything lately. all the shows i go to do nothing for me right now. and i don't know why.

the guy who writes the music column at http://www.somethingawful.com is awesome. he's got the same kinda dry, mockingly pretentious attitude and humour that i have, so the articles really appeal to me.

raeanna's gonna rewrite my resumes for me, because i'm sometimes wierd about going on troy computer. this time they will have the correct address and phone number on them so i may recieve a call back. thanks!

speak of rae, her manly-man elliot goes home tonight. what a royal bummer. apparantly he's planning on coming back soon and staying for good. good. he was really drunk the other night and wanted me to take pictures with his camera so he gave me a 10 minute lesson on how to use it, even though it was quite similar to mine and i told him about 10 times that i could figure it out. drunk people can be annoying.

ugg, my sister told me she was at a party and this girl that graduated with me was there. i didn't much care for her by the end of higschool. infact we had gotten in a few tiffs and i have pretty much wanted her to die ever since. so appantly she went up to my sister at the party and out of nowhere said that she doesn't care about all the shit that went on in highschool and wanted me to call her. dumb bitch.

so my friend tim is getting married. now that's fucked up. tim....

man, whatever.


  • What the effing eff??? Tim is getting married? To who? Amanda? Where the hell did this come from? Marriage? Are you serious? Bloody hell, what is this world coming to when Tim is getting married?

    Hm, so are you going to call Keely? I bet she really misses you and totally forgives you for writing "Not my fucking president" over her picture. Haha. And I am sure she forgives you for so much as knowing me.

    By Blogger Katie, at 3:00 PM  

  • yeah, i heard about tim getting married from laura rudence. i haven't actually talked to him about it yet. i think it's to amanda. weird eh?

    and as for keely i imagine she wants me to call her just to piss you off. loser.

    By Blogger neilsucks, at 3:34 PM  

  • Bummer about the 8 points dude. hopefully my comments may help you out. So how can I get you some music?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:06 PM  

  • dude, i heard you got canned. shitty. i can relate. you can also get a job at home depot, and then we can share trade secrets and have an unbreakable bond.
    ps. start posting again

    By Blogger Hollis, at 4:07 AM  

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