junkie man, tell me what your story is

Tuesday, February 1

jeeps are for lovers. audis are for ugly people.

today i'm sick of my life more than most days and this is why:
rent is due.
bills are due.
insurance is due.
car payment is due.
katie lives 8 hours and $120 away and i can't afford the time or money to see her.
i had to go to money mart again today to get a payday advance.
i still work at stream.
cigarettes are gross but i still really like them.
i'm going home today and no one will call me.

i think i would feel a lot better if i could afford to buy a hampster.

can everyone call me tonight to say hi?

i only have 3.5 more hours of work left today. that's a plus. work is an idiot. i almost got a written warning today because i don't sell enough stuff. my supervisor came up to me and said he was disapointed in me because i am supposed to sell 2 products a day and his dumb peice of paper said that i sold 2 in the last month. then i said "but supervisor, i made tonnes of sales!" then i showed him 57 sales that i did last month and he shut up.

i just flipped the bird.

dang, what a day.


  • DUDE
    life will be better in toronto. not in chilliwack.
    fuck stream.

    call me up soon either at work or at home!

    work: 416-964-8700 ext 3054
    home: 416-703-1840


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

  • Honey, you need to find out where all your money is going and give some stuff up. You make a lot of money compared to some people, you shouldn't be needing MoneyMart help. Maybe you should stop smoking cigarettes and weed. You will save yourself a good amount right there. Or you could start walking to work instead of using gas since it is close by.

    I would call you more often, but when I get around to doing it, it is usually to late. Plus, I don't have a job, and I can only afford so may phone calls. I love you oodles.

    By Blogger Katie, at 3:06 PM  

  • Bills? You don't need to pay bills!

    Let's go to MExico!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:44 PM  

  • ahoy,
    dude, fuck hamsters, get a guinea pig. they give love and are amazing to stare at!

    By Blogger Hollis, at 1:34 PM  

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