listen, brian, you're a jew. deal with it.
10- pipe tobacco
9 - pizza
8 - shawn and rikki's room
7 - cinnimon buns
6 - mosh pit
5 - tacos
4 - punky colours hair dye
3 - katie
2 - freshly cut grass
1 - slight b.o.
top three websites:
3 - now this is what i call real ultimate power
2 - your band sucks
1 - there is a town in ohio called waldo
top eight toes
8 - left forth idiot toe
7 - left second captain toe
6 - right baby flip dorkface toe
5 - left middle one toe
4 - right boss toe
3 - left baby flip dorkface toe
2 - right second captain toe
1 - left boss toe
more list soon or something
you think slight bo smells better than me? :'(
Katie, at 3:01 PM
the only reason you're so high on the list is because you have b.o.
(i love you)
neilsucks, at 12:51 PM
Ouch Neil, Ouch.
Katie, at 10:53 PM
ever notice how slight b.o. sort of smells like a submarine sandwich?
Hollis, at 1:38 PM
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