junkie man, tell me what your story is

Monday, January 24

woman wo-man whoaaaaaa-man

she was a thief, you gotta believe, she stole my heart and my cat.

right now i am looking up computers on ebay for my friend. some of these deals are phenomenal, but even at phenomenal prices i still can't afford one for myself. i can't deny, i love ebay. i would stick my penis into ebay's vagina if that was an option.

that was unnecessary.

i've been having traveling dreams for the last few nights. the night before last, i dreamed that i drove to prince george again, but along the way i kept stopping in each town to take pictures of touristy things and to steal pepsi and five cent candies. once i got to prince george, i went to katie's house and we watched a movie, then i drove home. it was also completely unnecessary. last night i had a similar dream, wherein i learned that my family moved to cache creek or somewhere close. i took a day off work to drive up there and see my family. to note: even though both the drive to cache creek and beyond that, to prince george, are not enjoyable, both the same drives in my dream seemed to move quickly and were not as drab as their real-life counterparts. so the sunny drive to cache creek set a good tone for when i got to my parent's new apartment. when i stepped thru the door i was surprise by this totally sweet house. the only thing i really remember about the house is that it was huge and rad, and it had like indoor balconies that looked over the kitchen and dining room and stuff. the living room was totally cool. they had bought a big screen tv and my brother and sisters ended up getting every video game system ever for xmas. while showing me the living room my dad ended up saying something to the degree of "when the sun sets and the moonlight shines though our 12 foot bay-style window, the glare off the tv is totally majestic." and for some reason i was totally jealous that i didn't get majestic moonlight thru my window. that shit is effed.

obviously i haven't been eating enough fiber.

chilliwack finally had a show saturday night. i do believe our last show was the october 31th - nuisance/five minutes to live/whitey show, so that would make it two and a half months since our last show. dang. jay from new world on fire has apparently talked to the venue manager for the hall that we used on saturday, and has been able to secure it as our main hall for shows for the next little while. finally chilliwack will wear its dance face.

next show:
february 18th
fucking doa
fucking removal
fucking new world on fucking fire
frecking whitey
lions hall on hope river rd
7pm $10

i'm planning on a 7th sunn/red noise show on march 5th and hoping to put together some sort of los furios/whitey business soon after.

i have to go.


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